Juve’s official response to AIC’s injustice for bonucchi: reconfirming the correctness of the behavior of registered players

Live Bar, August 16 -chairman of the Italian association of professional football players (AIC) condemned Juve’s handling of the bonouchi issue in an interview a few days ago. Juve officially issued a statement in response.
Juve official statement–
Juventus football club firmly reiterated the correctness of the behavior of all registered players. They are fully guaranteed to obtain all the rights they can enjoy in the collective agreement signed by the category to which they belong. Juventus club will ask the relevant court authorities to defend the legality of our actions if necessary.
In addition, Juventus football club hopes that the new collective agreement being negotiated between AIC and Serie A officials can solve the balance between players’ rights and interests and club needs before the 2020-25 season.
Related news: Chairman of the players’ union: Bonucci’s dignity has been trampled and Juve must resume his position
(Any Door)
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