TA: The number allocation of Manchester United is fully in charge of tenhach, who offered Mount number 7 on his own initiative.

Live broadcast, August 14-The Athletic reported that Manchester United’s number allocation was fully in charge of Teng Hach, who offered Mount No. 7 on his own initiative.
According to the report, in the matter of player number allocation, Teng Hach has the power to decide alone. At present, hoilun’s number has not been published, there is no doubt that, manchester United’s marketing department certainly hopes that Teng Hach will quickly decide the number of new aid to maximize the sales revenue of jerseys, but they still wait patiently for the manager’s decision.
Mount’s No. 7 jersey was provided by Teng Hach during the negotiation between the two sides, while little general menu was mentioned to No. 37 from No. 73, which was enough to reflect the coaching staff’s expectations for him.
(Goblin killer)
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