Moratti: I will not prevent the Football Association from appointing Spaletti. 3 million euros cannot be a problem.
Live Bar News on August 16 after Mancini left office, the Italian football association hoped to appoint Spaletti as the coach of the team, but Neapolitan President De Laurentis hoped to get 3 million euros in compensation. In an interview with di Cronache Spogliatoio, former Inter president Moratti expressed his views.
Moratti said: “What happened between lucuku and DeLaurentis surprised me very much. I can understand that there is a matter of principle between DeLaurentis and Spalletti, but I can’t see the flexibility in spirit, nor can I see the generous side. For DeLaurentis, 3 million euros can be said to be insignificant, especially for me. I will not prevent this from happening, nor will I obstruct it.”
(Two Monsters)
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